Project: I am

I am a creative being who is not limited by people, time, or space. I am not defined by my results, but by my mindset and creative process. That’s why I have created a blanket that reflects all of this and provides space to work in warmth, thanks to the holes for the hands.

Dream Creatures

Tato galerie představuje zaznamenané příšery, které mě navštívily v mých snech.

The web clicker game was created in response to the current consumerist world. In today’s society, sustainability and quality are often overshadowed by quantity. I programmed the game using HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript.

Project: Splash

Do tohoto projektu jsem se pustila s cílem dále prozkoumat 3D program a naučit se více přirozených simulací.

© Karolína Stará 2023