
world of Karolína Stará

The web clicker game Hypermarket.digital was created in response to the current consumerist world. In today's society, sustainability and quality are often overshadowed by quantity. I programmed the game using HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript.








coop with · Adéla Preislerová

year · 2022—2023

The web clicker game Hypermarket.digital was created in an effort to respond to the current consumerist world. In today's society, sustainability and quality are often overshadowed by quantity. We continuously acquire things that "pollute" our space, and these items can take hundreds of years to decompose in nature. Paradoxically, the market continues to exponentially expand its offerings.

Hypermarket.digital doesn't aim to educate users; instead, it visually depicts the post-purchase process through gameplay. With just one purchase, an avalanche of additional items floods the market. The time in our hypermarket symbolizes the hours spent in physical stores or online shops. Similar to consumerist society, the game has no rules or end. It's up to the user to approach their shopping experience. Some may click abstract images of hyperobjects, while others conscientiously choose items they will truly "use."

Design process

In this project, we utilized 3D scanning technology (LIDAR) to preserve the authenticity of the objects that surround us. Users can directly share their impressions on social media. The entire issue is in the hands of all of us, just like the web game Hypermarket.digital. U enjoy it?

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