atelier website

world of Karolína Stará

When designing the website, we drew inspiration from the functioning of the studio as a space whose visual identity is primarily shaped by constantly evolving content. The main goal was to break free from established web conventions and express the uniqueness of the studio through this medium.




coop with · Pavlína Králová, Daniel Barek

year · 2019

When designing the website, we based our approach on the functioning of the studio as a space whose visual identity is primarily shaped by ever-changing content. In such a space, it is possible to dig through and discover small, playful, or humorous fragments that reflect the nature of the students. These principles served as inspiration in creating a homepage that not only showcases a gallery of projects but also serves as a place for entertaining elements to engage website visitors.

This layout is not limited horizontally or vertically by the screen format, creating a kind of infinite space where visitors can navigate, sort, and rearrange as needed. In contrast to the layout of the main area, the detailed preview of a project provides a clean space, free from other elements, focusing the attention solely on the selected project.

Emphasis is placed on the project gallery, which can be filtered by project, author name, tags, etc. Additionally, all related projects are interconnected, intuitively offering the discovery of similar content to the visited project. The main goal was to break free from established web conventions and express the uniqueness of the studio through this medium.

Emphasis is placed on the project gallery, which can be filtered by project, author name, tags, etc. Additionally, all related projects are interconnected, intuitively offering the discovery of similar content to the visited project. The main goal was to break free from established web conventions and express the uniqueness of the studio through this medium.

Design process in Figma

interesting sites flow